Letters from Joni | April 2023

2 min read
Apr 3, 2023 9:45:00 PM

Well, it’s that time of year when we remember that God’s plan for all of humanity is to pour out His love and give us hope and a future like the Word tells us in Jeremiah 29:11. Interestingly, spring kicked off last month here in America, and it’s a time of resurrection in nature. So, it’s fitting that Easter falls during this time of year, because it’s through the resurrection of Christ that we know God does indeed make all things new just as He promised.

In November, Daystar will again be taking a group to Israel, and I am so excited because one of my favorite places we visit is the Garden Tomb. It reminds me how complete God’s work is through the cross and of His power to bring life to any situation. The empty tomb is a declaration that God can and will transform our lives because He loves us that much!

This Easter I hope that message resonates with you, and I encourage you to rejoice in what God has done in your life. Go to church with your family and celebrate the gift that Jesus gave each of us by laying His life down as a sacrifice to pay once and for all the debt that sin laid upon humanity. Share it with others so they might know the joy we have in the Father’s goodness!

I want to let you know how much I was touched by your generosity during Heart for the World. We are already seeing lives changed thanks to your giving. You are helping take the Gospel to those who may have never heard it otherwise. By giving, you are sharing the hope we have in Jesus, and you’re empowering Daystar to reach even more lives every day. We are currently working on a deal to expand the Network’s High Definition footprint, bringing the Good News to millions more homes. So, we are excited to hopefully share more about that in the near future.

We are thrilled at the response we have been getting since the launch of Daystar Español. There continues to be thousands of calls and emails from people loving the all-Spanish programming. And more and more people are discovering the power of God’s presence through Joni Table Talk on A&E and the FYI network. Please continue to pray that God touches lives as we speak truth and share His love with the world.

I know that we couldn’t do what we do without you, and I am praying God pours out new blessings on you this month in a mighty way!


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