Letters From Joni | August 2022

2 min read
Aug 1, 2022 7:00:00 AM

We are standing on the cusp of history being made and seeing God do some amazing things in this generation that are answers to decades of prayer. At Daystar, we believe that every person is created in the image of God according to the Bible. That means that every life has value and purpose. Yet, for the past 50 years, that idea has been eroded due to the landmark case known as Roe vs. Wade.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that effectively overturned Roe. For decades, Marcus and I have been strong advocates for preserving the life of the unborn and before he passed, he shared with me that he believed Roe vs. Wade would be overturned. Since his passing, a friend shared a dream with me in which she saw Marcus in Heaven contending for the unborn children. It gives me great joy to know that our prayers along with so many others are supernaturally affecting change. We celebrate this victory, but there are still more fights ahead. And as the Church, we must step up and be the safe, supportive place to help women in crisis.

Just as the right to life is paramount, preserving religious freedom is important as well. In a recent ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the First Amendment in the case involving former Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy, who lost his job for praying on the field after a game. The court found that Kennedy’s right to freedom of religious expression had been violated. This was a monumental victory for religious freedom! We had the pleasure of sharing Joe’s story as well as hearing from Kelly Shackelford of First Liberty Institute whose team handled the case. If you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to watching it at Daystar.com/OnDemand.

These are just some of the powerful things we are seeing happen. This month Table Talk is celebrating the might of our Lord by sharing a series of near-death testimonies that you won’t want to miss. I know you’ll be blessed by them.

I praise God for you and for how He is moving on the earth! Lives are being changed like never before, and we are excited to be a part of what He’s doing in such a time as this!

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