Letters from Joni | June 2024

1 min read
Jun 4, 2024 10:49:43 AM

Dear Daystar family,

As we step into the month of June, I am filled with a sense of joy and anticipation for all that God has in store for us. The summer season is now in full swing, a time bursting with life and joy, reminding us of the abundant blessings found in Jesus.

In the midst of this season of growth and renewal, I’m reminded of the words of Jesus in John 10:10, where He declares, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." So we can move forward with gratitude and joy, knowing that He has designed this season for us to experience His goodness in abundance.

This month holds special significance for me as it marks the one-year anniversary of my marriage to Dr. Doug Weiss. I am deeply grateful to God for His faithfulness in bringing Doug into my life. Together, we embark on this journey of serving the Lord, united in His love and purpose. As we celebrate this milestone, we are filled with excitement for the future and all that God has in store for us.

I am also thrilled to share some exciting updates from Daystar! Our reach continues to expand as we launch in Uganda and parts of East Africa on Kampala Siti Cable, branded as “Simba TV,” reaching 5 million homes! Additionally, we have acquired TV Stations KNLA and KNET in the Los Angeles Market, reaching almost 5 million homes and over 14 million people! Daystar Television Network is now carried on KNET Channel 25.1, while Daystar Español is on KNLA Channel 20.1, both in HD. These expansions allow us to bring the message of hope and redemption to even more hearts across the globe.

None of these achievements would be possible without your steadfast support and prayers. Your partnership enables us to continue spreading the love of Jesus to every corner of the earth, impacting lives and transforming hearts. Thank you for standing with us on this incredible journey. May the Lord's blessings overflow in your lives abundantly as you continue serving Him!

Joni Lamb
Co-Founder & President
Daystar Television Network

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