An End Time Revelation with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Your new book, The Josiah Manifesto, comes out next month.
In The Josiah Manifesto, I’m going to open up some of the most stunning, critical, and recent mysteries that have shaken and changed our world. The book will reveal how the events that have been overtaking America in recent years, are not accidents what has been overtaking America in recent years is not an accident but go back to a word God gave in ancient times, the ‘secret story’ behind all these things that have taken place according to the ancient template.
The Josiah Manifesto will reveal the island of mysteries, the child of the Nile, the agents of heaven on earth, and much more. And in many ways, it’s going to be a prophetic ‘landing field’ where many of the mysteries I’ve opened in the past, from The Harbinger, The Paradigm, The Oracle, to The Return of the Gods, are going to come in for a prophetic landing!
What is the manifesto?
In The Josiah Manifesto, I will take the reader on a prophetic mystery tour to uncover and put together a colossal prophetic puzzle. The journey takes the reader to an island in the Caribbean, then to the gates of America, to a prophet and an ancient valley, and much more. When the pieces come together, they will reveal a key. The key will open the door to an entirely other revelation – one that I believe God is giving to us for this specific hour and for the end times - the answer. In other words, the mysteries will all converge to open a blueprint, a manifesto, a guide for the believer, what we need to know, in order to stand and prevail in the days to come – and in the end times. In that sense, The Josiah Manifesto is unlike any other book I’ve written in that it contains the key and the answer for our days.
How did God reveal this new insight to you?
It came unlike any other book I’ve written. On the very day I finished my last book, The Return of the Gods – something gigantic took place in America. It was no accident. In fact, when I was about to start The Return of the Gods, someone gave me a prophetic word and vision that spoke of what I would write (the person had no idea) – and what would happen when the word was complete. It was that event – and that day that the book was finished – that God began giving me what would become The Josiah Manifesto. So The Return of the Gods led into The Josiah Manifesto.
You explain that a 3,000 year old calendar may hold the key to understanding recent dramatic world events! Can you tell us about one of those?
God gave Israel a sacred calendar of “the moedeem” or the appointed times. The amazing thing is that in the most dramatic year of our lives – every major event followed the order, the template, and the pattern of the ancient calendar, even down to the exact days on which they fell. To give you an example, the plague that came to America followed the ordaining of an ancient holy day. The riots that spread across America followed the mystery of another. One of the ancient holy days is actually linked to a court, the Judge, and a judgment. On that exact holy day, in that exact hour, God altered the Supreme Court, caused a Supreme Court justice to ‘pass from the earth,’ and began altering the history of America!
How does understanding these ancient mysteries help us as we look to the future?
The mysteries revealed in The Josiah Manifesto are exactly that – They reveal where exactly we are now – and where it’s heading – and what we need to do in view of where it’s heading – and what is yet to come. It contains both a prophetic warning and a hope.
We know that Israel is key to God’s plan for the End Times. Do you believe that America will be among the nations supporting Israel in the Last Days?
I believe the answer is yes and no. Yes, America is standing with Israel right now. But no, the Bible says that in the last days all nations will come against her. One of the principles now manifesting is that as a nation turns away from God, it also turns away from Israel. That carries an ominous warning not for Israel – but for America.
As God revealed these mysteries to you, what is one thing that surprised you the most?How incredibly precise the hand and workings of God is. The book reveals mystery after mystery that manifested or came true on the exact appointed day. The book is also unique in that for the first time I reveal what I actually witnessed with my own eyes or that I was a part of – mysteries and events that came to pass – not only on the appointed day – but at the appointed moment!
Many believe that it’s too late for America to turn around. Has God revealed anything to you that would give readers hope for our nation?God is never finished. There’s always a way to glorify Him, to fulfill His will, and rise to your calling. In fact, the darker it is around you, the more crucial is your calling, the more powerful will be your witness, and the greater the anointing will be yours. Yes it’s dark, but these are biblical times – the most exciting of times!
What is one important thing believers can do to prepare for the End Times?
There’s so much, but we can start by each weaning ourselves from the world and getting more all the more rooted, plugged in, connected to God, His presence, and His power.
Why do you believe God is revealing His plans to us in this season?
Because He wants us to be ready, to not fear or be shaken, but to rise to the calling for which we were placed in our mother’s womb – for such a time as this!
What do you believe is coming next on the prophetic timeline?
We pray for revival. But apart from that look for the continued apostasy of America, the weakening, and shakings of our nation. The dark will grow darker – But the lights of God will grow brighter.
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