Letters from Joni | August 2023

2 min read
Aug 1, 2023 9:29:00 PM

Hello Daystar Family! What an incredible start to this next chapter in my life and in the growth and expansion of Daystar! God has been doing some exciting and incredible things that I can hardly wait to share with you.

First, I want to thank you all for your prayers and support for myself and Doug. Many of you have called or written in to express wanting to see the wedding. So, we will be sharing it on Daystar this month. Be sure to keep an eye out for that!

You may also have noticed that Doug has joined me in co-hosting Ministry Now. He is doing a great job, and I want to personally thank you for all the support and encouragement you’ve sent in. I just want to highlight a few that we received. Rose from Denton, TX, wrote, “Congratulations to Joni and Doug on their new beginning! God is a matchmaker, and He has certainly done well!” Laura from Tulsa, OK, said, “I pray that God’s divine peace and glory would overtake your lives and that the joy of the Lord would be your strength.” And Wanda from Bentonville, AK, shared, “I have so much respect for Joni and am so very happy for her and Doug. I will continue to enjoy watching Ministry Now with them!” And we received so many more loving comments just like these. You’ve also shared how you are enjoying watching Healing Times with Dr. Doug Weiss right here on Daystar, Wednesdays at 9am ET. I just want all of you to know how much this means to Doug and me, and we will continue to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, standing for truth and taking the Gospel to the nations.

As part of fulfilling that mission, Joni Table Talk has expanded its reach to include broadcasts on secular platforms. With this expansion, we are broadcasting into 9 of the top 18 TV markets across the United States through CBS stations in areas such as Miami, Tampa, Minneapolis, Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Detroit. This is in addition current syndication on A&E, FYI, Real America’s Voice, Victory Channel, and GospelTruth.TV.

We have also grown our coverage internationally with launching Daystar Español on DirectTV Latin America, Dish Mexico, and more, and Daystar has launched on Snehal Network and DEN, India’s leading Cable TV service provider. That’s tens of millions of new people being reached with the Good News of Jesus across America and around the world, and it’s all thanks to partners like you!

Together, we’re taking the Gospel farther than ever before. Thank you!


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