Letters from Joni | July 2023

2 min read
Jul 3, 2023 9:34:00 PM

What an incredible year it’s been so far! As many of you know, I started a big new chapter of my life, and I’m excited to share about that. A lot of you saw the special program, “Through the Storm,” where I shared about my journey of grieving the loss of Marcus. Your responses have been tremendous. Thank you for all the prayers and support. I know it blessed many of you. As we look ahead to the future and what God has in store, I want to share a little about this new season.

On June 10th, I married Dr. Doug Weiss in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by family and close friends. Jimmy Evans officiated and Doug’s pastor, Dean Hawk, administered communion. It was such a special day, but it was not a decision I approached lightly. Throughout our developing relationship, we submitted to the Holy Spirit and Church leadership, including oversight by Jimmy. I spent many hours in prayer and consulting family, friends, and pastors for wisdom. Because Doug had been through a divorce, we walked through counselling with Jimmy, and he affirmed that Doug’s divorce was based on biblical grounds. But perhaps most importantly, the Holy Spirit guided me on this journey. I remember Jimmy asking me, “How do you know this is God?” I ran through all the list of “right” answers, but I felt the Holy Spirit say, “You’re forgetting something.” And I told Jimmy that really it was the incredible “peace” Holy Spirit had given me throughout the whole process 

One very special moment in the wedding was the ringing of the bell to announce my entrance as the bride. When Marcus and I married, my brother Lane, at six years of age, was the ring-bearer and rang a bell to call attention to the congregation that the bride was arriving. In a beautiful sentiment, Lane rang that same bell at mine and Doug’s wedding before he walked me down the aisle to give my hand to Doug. It was a sweet moment I will never forget. And I will be sharing more moments and highlights like this in the future. So, keep an eye out for that.

As Doug and I embark on this new season, please continue to pray for us. Doug has already been a blessing in my life and has stood by me, encouraged me, and helped me be an even better leader. I am still and will continue to be the active President of Daystar. I take that responsibility very seriously. I want you to know how happy I am. We remain committed to bringing excellent content, sharing the Gospel, and look forward to seeing revival, having more salvations, and bringing hope to the nations.  


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