Truth & Justice with Jack Hibbs

8 min read
Jun 20, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Q: Tell us about your program Real Life with Jack Hibbs, and what does it mean to you to be part of Daystar?
A: Our program Real Life has completely caught us off guard. We have been more than blessed and surprised to see the impact that it is making nationally, and we are wonderfully surprised about how many people are streaming it internationally. We simply teach the Bible with conviction and encourage people to live out their faith in real life. This coming Pentecost Sunday we’ll be launching the Real Life Network, which will be 100%, 24/7, Christian content as well as moral character building programming.

It is an incredible blessing to be a part of Daystar. This quality Christian network is committed to spreading the Good News, hope, and encouragement to so many.

Q: What is the greatest issue inside the Church today?
A: The greatest issue inside the Church today is the lack of leadership. Far too many “leaders” are testing the wind as it were, and struggle with their calling, or with their equipping. More than ever, the church needs Deborahs, Joshuas, Calebs and Daniels. Tragically instead, we have a very insecure, frail church in America that seems to be more concerned about the authority of Facebook or YouTube rather than the authority of Scripture.

Q: How is truth under attack today, and how is this actually an outright rejection of Jesus?
A: Truth is under attack in every area because I believe that we have entered into the Last Days. We are certainly in the opening throes of what I would call the stage setting phase of the Last Days. But we are not to panic because Jesus said that these very things would happen. Truth must be attacked for it to succeed, because truth always destroys falsehood. Truth shines the brightest when it is in the flames and fire of criticism and rejection. Remember as believers, we do not have to defend the truth. We just have to let it go and truth will take care of itself. But by all means, we must be preachers, pastors, and Christians exhibiting the truth in word and in deed.

Q: The world claims that they are for truth and justice, but how does their stance not actually line up with Scripture?
A: The world claims that it stands for truth and justice because it’s trying to serve its troubled conscience. The world is not for truth and justice, and it knows it. How do I know that? I know it because Jesus said the Holy Spirit is convicting the world of sin and of unrighteousness and so unbelievers try to talk themselves into feeling better. To me, it’s like someone trying to put themselves to sleep at night by counting sheep or someone whistling as they walk down a dark alley to try to ease an uncomfortable situation. The truth is, the world is deceived and for now, it may know it. Its greatest peril is when the world becomes deceived and can no longer detect deception.

Q: How is deception taking over our society, and what should be the church’s response?
A: Deception is seeking to take over our culture in our society because it is literally evidence of a satanic demonic power that has been unleashed and has become more evident to any one of us who are walking in the light of the Lord. It seems as though since the days of COVID, not that COVID had something to do with it, but that since the days of COVID, the world has seemed to have lost its mind. Good has become evil, evil has become good, light has become dark, dark has become light, and we’re living in a world now of complete contradictions.

Q: Many “scholars” or “academics” make claims about what the Bible says. What mistake do they commonly make, and why must Christians know the Scriptures to combat this?
A: Scholars and academics, professional theologians find themselves in a precarious situation due to the fact that they most often from their offices or classrooms, pontificate or theorize regarding the Bible, its gospel, and its power. What a tragic way to live if they never take what they know into the streets and among the people to see the power of the Word of God and the gospel at work, and the Holy Spirit setting people free. Unless you get out of your classroom and unless you humble yourself, enough to follow Jesus, those of academia run the risk of missing the greatest meaning of the gospel. One thing is certain Christianity is a non-spectator faith.

Q: Many use emotive arguments when it comes to trying to pressure Christians to believe differently from the Bible. Why is it dangerous for believers to allow their emotions to interpret Scripture?
A: Emotionalism, just like sexuality today seems to be part and parcel of the new American religion. Emotions are very dangerous things if they are not anchored to something and for a human being to not have their emotions anchored to the truth of God’s immovable Word is to be an emotional wreck. It’s like being a ship at sea without a rudder or an anchor. Today we live in a world where emotionally-driven theology dictates what a church will be like or what a supposed Christian should look like. We must not let that happen. We must bring our emotions under the authority and control of the Word of God. I fear that America is at that point where every man now is doing what is right in his own eyes. And to me, that is a perfect definition and description of an emotionally-based culture and emotionally-based theology.

Q: A big issue facing parents today involves their rights as it pertains to their children. What do you see as the main issue, and why should this concern not just the Church, but all families?
A: Someone might think that this is only limited to California but it is actually happening in every state and not only in America, but simultaneously worldwide. Parental authority and parental responsibility is being removed from the mother and the father by a super-imposed state. In fact, just recently, the United Nations  decided to take up the debate of lowering a child’s age of consent to have sex. The question is why would the United Nations care about such a thing? And why in the world would a school board or a city council think for a moment that they have jurisdiction over a child’s life? To me this is one of the key displays of paganism in our culture today. Truly when you see what is happening with the systematic assault on parents, with the intent to have their children kidnapped by the very system they assumed would educate them is a tragic indicator that America has gone too far as a nation.

Q: You were attacked by the media after taking a stand on this issue recently. What is your response to the backlash you’re receiving?
A: This is actually not our first rodeo. We first sued the state of California back in 2015, and most recently we won a court case against the governor regarding the elective abortions being funded by 501c3 religious organizations. I have often been labeled by the spectators as being a politically-motivated pastor. But that’s absolutely not true. To prove it, I’ve been asked to run for office several times with unlimited funding and I’ve refused each time because that’s not my calling. My calling is to do what Biblical Christianity mandates of not only the Christian but the pastor, and that is to be a watchman on the wall. Because there’s a void, evil will rise up and stake its claim over the life of the unborn, or seek to redefine marriage, or to rob parents of their children. And so for that I fight and take a stand and I will continue to do so as the Lord gives me an opportunity. To be honest with you, the attacks, criticism, and the canceling has been a great honor and I consider myself blessed because of it. Jesus said beware when all men speak well of you, for so they did to the false prophets who were before you.

Q: As believers, how do we need to take a stand for our children?
A: As believers we need to go to a Bible-teaching church and make sure that we are being made into disciples of Jesus Christ. Far too many people have not moved on from being saved into the deeper life of walking with Jesus. A lot of people today talk about revival but little do they know that each and every one of us have the opportunity to experience revival daily if we choose to walk with Jesus. Think of it, for three and a half years, Jesus’ disciples had revival in the midst of them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the same is true for us today. We need revival which means we need to know the Word of God. When we obey His Word and get involved in our school boards, in our city councils, and we fight against unrighteousness, we take a stand for our children. When we do that, we find that Jesus is walking right alongside us the whole way.

Q: How serious of an offense to God is not protecting our children?
A: I believe the Bible is very clear on this issue. 1 Timothy 5:8 tells us, “if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” If we do not stand up and protect our kids, who God Himself entrusted us with, we have denied the faith and are worse than an unbeliever.

Q: How is this an attack on the idea of Godly authority?
A: Any group, movement, or politic that seeks to separate a child from their parent is totalitarian. The Bible is against totalitarianism and wants the family structure to prosper and succeed. When our civic leaders are not being held accountable or reminded of their God-appointed duties, then they certainly will not live up to them. It’s up to the church and most importantly its pastors to consistently be salt and light in their respective communities.

Q: Talk about the Scripture that speaks about “not being conformed to this world.” What does that mean, and why do we need to take that to heart as a serious command?
A: For me and those who have sought to be conformed to the image of Christ, it is evident, now more than ever, just how steadfast and true God’s Word is! The reverse is also true that those who take their faith for granted or pretend to be  Christians, they find themselves being conformed to this world. And now as you look around and see all of the pitfalls and dangers of what I believe is a demonically-energized period of our time, many are being crafted into being elements useful to the woke agenda and godless ideology.

Q: At the heart of the things the world is saying we must conform to (abortion, homosexuality, trans rights) is the issue of human life bearing the image of God. Tell us about that and why we cannot be lulled or coerced into conceding to their beliefs.
A: What the world is saying is we must bow to the gods of their altars. If we know our Bibles, we know that Satan is the one that is manipulating the nations. America with its Judeo-Christian founding and worldview is, or was, the earth’s last beacon of light when it comes to nations. The danger now is this, false gods, false deities, animated by demonic powers have promoted the doctrines of demons and that’s what we’re seeing lived out today from our classrooms, to the courtrooms, to the halls of power and even in many churches. Fear, intimidation, insecurity, weak, and powerless believers have become perhaps the church’s worst nightmare because there’s nothing more damaging to the gospel of Jesus Christ than for someone to say they know Him but lack the power He gives.

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