Letters from Joni | June 2022

1 min read
Jun 1, 2022 7:00:00 AM

As we approach Father’s Day, I want to take a moment to reflect on the impact fathers have. I feel so blessed that my children had such a great father in Marcus Lamb. He was a man committed to loving his children, being in their lives, and instilling strong Biblical values that are producing fruit even today.

His passion for the Lord and sharing the Gospel helped not only guide Daystar to where it is today, but it also instilled in our family a commitment to the Great Commission and a dedication to the things of God. Marcus firmly believed in loving people, sharing God’s Word, aligning with the Holy Spirit, standing with Israel, and being generous. These qualities permeated everything from the way he took special time with Jonathan, Rachel, and Rebecca to how he lavished his affection on our grandchildren. I am so thankful Marcus got to be here for all of our children getting married, and I loved getting to see him be Poppy to Israel, Arielle, Asher, and Judah and pouring the same love and attention into them as he did our children.

Marcus also modeled what it means to be a giver both personally and through Daystar, and on behalf of you our partners, he gave to so many outreaches, ministries, and organizations to touch lives. He loved Heart for the World because it provided our partners a direct opportunity to change the world, and he was always moved by your generosity. Because of you, we’ve already given to bless Israel and to help those affected by the Ukraine war this year. As we approach our summer Heart for the World, please pray with us about what God wants to do through you this season. I know Marcus is cheering us on from Heaven.

For many like us, you are spending Father’s Day apart from your loved one because they’ve gone home to be with the Lord. So, I want you to be sure to visit Daystar.com/OnDemand and check out the testimonies of Jim Woodford and Randy Kay who died, went to Heaven, and came back. I know these Table Talks will bless and encourage you. And I pray a fresh outpouring of God’s love over you all this Father’s Day.

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