Q: For those who don’t know, tell us a little about your background and what led you into medicine.
A: My father was a doctor; I was raised up to be a doctor my entire life. He had an office in our home and he would see patients in our home in the evening or even perform simple procedures like a fibroid surgery. I frequently went with him on rounds to the hospitals and nursing homes.
Q: What led you to start America’s Frontline Doctors, and what was your vision for the group?
A: There was omnipresent propaganda around everything people were being told. It was all untrue. Lockdowns did not work, masks did not work, early treatment did work. The hospitals were not overwhelmed (except short bursts – a few weeks – in a few areas). I decided to organize doctors to speak directly to the American people. I invited doctors and YouTube personalities to an educational day in Washington DC on July 27, 2020. We did a total of eight hours education, with doctors teaching people: children, schools, masks, healthy elderly, frail elderly, Africa/worldwide, hydroxychloroquine, fraudulent science. We videotaped this and broadcast it to the world. This went viral (20 million views in eight hours) before we were de-platformed by all Big Tech.
Q: Why is it such a big deal for hospitals to not allow doctors to treat COVID-19 patients early with available, proven-safe drugs?
A: Hospitals are financially incentivized to follow a protocol that is killing people, specifically to put patients on IV Remdesivir (a failed Ebola drug) and mechanical/artificial ventilation (intubation) and not allow ivermectin. If hospitals do this, they earn many thousands of dollars per patient.
Q: Daystar was able to give $100,000 to help establish and grow America’s Frontline Doctors. What did that mean to you personally, and what were you able to accomplish with it?
A: I believe Daystar gave even more financially (I think it was closer to $130,000) and I understood it was from small dollar donations from many thousands of viewers. It is impossible to overestimate what it meant to me personally. It was “the wind beneath my wings.” From my perspective, I was a practicing emergency physician doing and saying what I knew was honest and ethical. I could not know, and did not think about, the size of the audience that was waiting for our words and actions. When we had 20 million views, when my personal Twitter went from zero to >100,000 in one week, and when thousands of people gave their hard-earned dollars to keep me going, it helped me realize how important it was to keep speaking the truth. Modestly I will say that this money was extremely well spent. Most importantly I created a way for hundreds of thousands of Americans to obtain access to lifesaving (and fear reducing) medication. This changed the narrative. We have brought 12 aggressive lawsuits against the FDA, CDC, Universities, DOD, Kaiser. We learned the Judges refuse to read the lawsuits (literally don’t read the papers – in one case the Judge turned back a “no” in one hour) or the system is corrupt (all federal Judges in one state one by one recused themselves – unprecedented), refused to rule (May 2021 case still not adjudicated). But these cases are important benchmarks, records of facts. These lawsuits have slowed the speeding train, and in that slowing down, the world is coming to see what we have been saying all along. And we have expanded into News and Citizen Corps (community organizing.)
Q: As both a doctor and a lawyer, what do you find most concerning about the type of mandated vaccination and safety protocols we’ve seen over the last two years? And why should people have a right to say what goes into their bodies?
A: The forced vaccination campaigns are a crime against all humanity. Humans have a complete, unabridged, non-debatable, right to their own body. To say anything otherwise is to support slavery. To support that someone’s body belongs to someone else. This is G-d’s Law and this is Man’s Law – at least it always was until 2020. This was well settled everywhere following the horrors of the Holocaust, the Nuremberg Trials, which led to the Nuremberg Code (of Medical Ethics) absolutely forbidding human experimentation and requiring informed consent. The Nuremberg Code, and the Helsinki Declaration became the basis of United States Federal Laws for the same and the language is crystal clear that it is illegal to mandate shots. I am a daughter of a Holocaust survivor. Requiring shots, 80 years post Holocaust, 70 years post Nuremberg is a shocking state for humanity to find itself.
Q: Let’s talk about the weapon of censorship against doctors and scientists who question the plan and narrative. What have you seen and experienced, and how dangerous is this in your opinion?
A: Everything we have seen is downstream from censorship and propaganda. Not permitting free speech results in death – either immediately as we saw these past two years, or more slowly as the human spirit strangulates. There is no government law more important than free speech: none. That is why our Founders made it First. I have personally seen patients whom I would call murdered – due to the lack of free speech. When a hospital has a policy that financially enriches itself if its doctors follow a deadly protocol and the doctors don’t have easy access to the science that the protocol is wrong – that results in death. When a school has a policy that requires children to mask their faces which stunts their learning, growth, social interactions, imagination, and happiness – that results in stunted lives. When a healthy person with a birthright of decades of good health trades that for a coerced shot that they didn’t want but took to keep their job, and then they suffer a physical side effect or a psychological side effect of submission – that results in a wounded soul. Censorship is the most dangerous weapon there is.
Q: How does this censorship against doctors and scientists in your mind prove that this war on “misinformation” actually has nothing to do with science?
A: Of course this has nothing to do with science. One easy example is that YouTube censors me when I say the same thing the CDC says.
Q: What do you find most concerning about the current Sars-CoV-2 vaccines and what they contain?
A: Most concerning is the institution of a vaccine passport system that will strip all humans of any freedom of travel and freedom of speech. This fight is not about the shots, it is about forcing social compliance by tracking you via a digital identification that you have to show everywhere. Second is the lack of free will to decide yes/no and the lack of informed consent to help you decide for yourself. Third most concerning is that they were always totally unnecessary for most people for whom this was a virus with a trivial chance of causing serious harm. Fourth is that the vaccine was created vs. the Wuhan variant which does not exist and the vaccine does nothing for later variants (and in fact the “leaky” vaccines gave rise to the variants) and that people who take the shots don’t even know this because of censorship. Fifth is that the shots harm some people some of the time and all people eventually.
Q: There’s been a push to approve a vaccination for children under five. Talk about the issues you have with that and what parents need to know.
A: There is nothing to say other than to quote Dr. Zelenko: “The only reason to be in favor of these shots for children is if you believe in child sacrifice.”
Q: As a doctor, what is your greatest concern regarding the aftermath of the vast vaccinations surrounding COVID?
A: That there are 250 more vaccines in the pipeline and we have not legally established that humans cannot be forced to take vaccines. This fight is in its infancy – we won’t quit, but neither will they.
Q: Given your legal background, what are your constitutional concerns around government entities using coercion to attempt to manipulate or force people to take a shot that they don’t wish to?
A: I am gravely concerned that the Constitution is being wholly ignored. I believe we need to separate our societies: those that believe in G-d and that the United States Constitution is derived from what G-d wants for us and those who do not. We cannot live under any other rule – and the other side cannot abide these rules.
Q: Tell us about the resources and content that are available for the public online at AFLDS.org.
A: Everything is free to the public, but we ask that you become a monthly donor so that we can always continue to fight for you. We have become the premier civil liberties organization in the nation – we fight for an America where you have a right to your body, where you have a right to speak freely, where you have a right to work to support your family, where you have a right to raise your children as you see fit. We push back on the tyrants who want you to live subjected to a G-dless State where you don’t have the human rights that G-d has given all of us. We have: Frontline News, Frontline Films, Citizen Corps and Legal resources. We have over 900 pages of content, videos, and community organizing. You can find friends and fellow warriors to take back your School Boards and City Councils (AFLDS.org/CitizenCorps), you can find incredibly informative news articles and opinion pieces (AFLDS.org/News), you can find moving and informative videos (AFLDS.org/Films), and of course you can find a telemedicine provider if you want that. Finally, working as hard as I have over the past two years has led me to a new initiative. We must bring to the people real doctors. People need a doctor they can trust. In 2022, I will launch the GoldCare Health & Wellness Centers. These are in-person offices as well as national telemedicine services. Please sign up at GoldCare.com to be kept informed as to our progress.
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