Letters from Joni | May 2023

2 min read
May 2, 2023 9:43:00 PM

Hello, global Daystar family! I cannot begin to tell you just how thankful I am for you. Through your continuous prayers and support, we’ve been able to do some exciting things that I can hardly wait to share with you.

Recently, Mississippi experienced a devastating tornado that left a wake of destruction in its path. So, we issued a $100,000 matching challenge to show God’s love in a tangible way, and your response was so tremendous. Because of your generosity, we were able to send more than $200,000 to help those affected by the storm rebuild their lives.

We are also happy to announce that Daystar had major High Definition launches recently. Both Daystar and Daystar Español are now available in HD on DirectTV USA and DirectTV Streaming. You can watch Daystar in HD on Channel 369, and you can see all of our HD Spanish-language content for Daystar Español on channel 463. This means millions of homes all over the U.S. will have access to our HD programming, and your support helps make that happen.

I have also been hearing from many of you who are listening to the Joni Table Talk podcast. It blesses my heart to know it’s touching your life, and I love that so many of you are enjoying being able to listen to all of our great discussions on the go. So, take Joni Table Talk with you by subscribing to my podcast, available now on Spotify and Apple Music.

One of the things I love about the month of May is that it’s an important month to show all the mothers out there how much they mean to you. Mothers’ Day is just around the corner! So, be sure to let those mothers in your life know the impact they’ve made on you.

I also want to wish a special Happy anniversary to Rebecca and Jonathan Weiss. Their love for each other and for the Lord fills my heart with such joy. And I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Joshua Brown who is such a blessing to Daystar and to my family! Of course, the big event coming up this month is the arrival of Baby Brown! We love him so much already and I can't wait to finally meet my sixth grandbaby! 

Lastly, remember to take a moment to remember those who’ve given the ultimate gift for freedom. May is the month we celebrate Memorial Day. So, let us give thanks for those who laid down their lives for their country.

Thank you all for continuing to stand with us as we carry the hope of the Gospel to the nations. You are making a difference every day, and I pray God pours out His favor, protection, and provision over your life.

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