Letters from Joni | September 2024

1 min read
Sep 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Daystar family,

Have you noticed that the reality of life today includes more uncertainty than ever before? In the midst of the confusion and chaos, I want to offer you a message of hope and strength! Life often presents us with trials and moments of challenge that can feel overwhelming. Yet, in these very moments, we have a divine source of strength and peace. Psalm 46:1 reassures us, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." No matter what challenges you may be facing, remember that God is with you, ready to provide the strength you need to persevere and the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

As we navigate these times of uncertainty, let’s draw close to God, who remains unshaken by the events of our world. Seek His presence, lean on His promises, and trust that He will carry us through. It is in these challenging seasons that we often experience His grace most profoundly, discovering new depths of faith and resilience.

This month we celebrate the 5th birthday of my wonderful grandson, Asher Samuel Weiss – also known as Asher Dasher! Asher’s joy and boundless energy are truly contagious, sharing smiles and laughter to everyone around him. Happy birthday, Asher!

In Network News, we are excited to share some remarkable updates. Daystar Television Network has expanded its reach to 6.5 million homes across Zambia, with coverage extending into Botswana and Angola on “Simba TV”! It’s incredible to see how God is using this platform to touch lives across such a vast region, all available Free to Air on Channel 5.

Additionally, Daystar Español continues to grow its impact with a recent launch on “Star TV” in Mexico, reaching 500,000 homes! This expansion allows us to share the love of Jesus with even more of our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters.

As we move through this month, may you find strength and comfort in the presence of our faithful God. He is our rock and our refuge, and His promises are a light in the midst of darkness. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us, and for your unwavering support and prayers.

With love and gratitude,

Joni Lamb
Co-Founder & President
Daystar Television Network

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