Q: What are you most excited about to share with readers through this book?
A: I love that word, “through.” In this life, every one of us will eventually face a storm. Even as Christians, there will be times when things happen to us that we don’t understand. But what I’m excited to share is that you can make it through any storm! You don’t stay there because God is going to be faithful no matter what happens. You are going to make it through the storm.
Q: What made this the right time to share your story?
A: There have been a lot of voices out there over the years telling their version of my story. So, I wanted to tell my story. I wanted to share personal things that I have never shared before with one motive – to see people encouraged! To know that we all go through things and that God is right there with you no matter what you’re going through. There are a lot of faulty stories out there so this is an opportunity to set the record straight about some of the storms I’ve gone through, what happened, and how God got me through. My goodness, the world is in chaos right now and there are a lot of people going through things… I felt this was the perfect time to let them know: God is going to be with you. Hold On!
Q: So many people in the Daystar family around the world hear from you every day on television! Are they going to learn anything new when they read your book?
A: Yes! They are going to hear me tell stories and talk about things that I have never talked about before. It is the raw Joni Lamb telling her story from all the way back when Marcus and I started to some of the things that we went through personally together to Marcus graduating to Heaven to the aftermath of that. How did I keep getting up? How did I keep going? I just share very personally aspects of my life that I have never shared before.
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned walking through life’s storms?
A: The biggest lesson that I have learned over and over again through every storm I’ve ever faced is that you can trust God. When you have an intimate relationship with the creator of the universe, no matter what comes at you, you can trust Him! And yes, He will bring you through.
Q: Your story is one of great resilience. Did you ever want to give up along the way? Why didn’t you?
A: I think we all have moments where we could faint; but the Bible says:
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. – Galatians 6:9
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles… – Isaiah 40:31
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
I we really believe the Word of God, if it’s really etched in our heart; then we won’t faint.
Did I ever feel like fainting? Sure. Did I feel like giving up? Sure. But did I? No, because I know who God is. I know He’s on the inside of me. I know that the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding me to all truth. So, even when I can’t see the way through, He can.
Q: What was the best piece of advice or counsel that you received in the midst of a trial?
A: You know the best piece of advice I received was, “Don’t get in a hurry, wait, listen, pray and be led by the Holy Spirit.” And that is what I did, I didn’t do anything quickly or fast, I waited on the Lord to give me clear direction and He did.
Q: How important was your relationship with the Lord in getting you through the storms you’ve faced?
A: My relationship with the Lord was the most important aspect of making it through any storm. I don’t understand how people go through life and live life without God! Leaning on Him is what got my through. One of my favorite Scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6 –
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
He is my everything. So, having a personal relationship with God is central to making it through any storm.
Q: Do you think it’s ok to ask God “Why?” in the middle of a storm?
A: I think its ok to ask God questions, but I don’t think its ok to question God – there is a difference. I never questioned God about anything that I went through. Like, “Why did you do this God? I’m mad at You…” no, no, no. But I would say, “Lord, cold You help me understand this?” Or, “Lord, did you think about this?” Which is kind of funny, because He’s God. But you know, He would say the same something over and over again to me. It was two words, “Trust Me.” And sometimes He’d say, “Trust Me, Joni.” And I would say, “Ok, I’m going to trust You.” So, is it ok to ask God questions? Yes. Is it ok to question God? No. There is a difference
Q: God promises to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. How have you seen Him do that for you?
A: Well, there is no storm, trial, or tribulation that you go through with God that He doesn’t build character in the midst of it. It doesn’t preach well to say that, but honestly, it’s in the valley, in the refining fire, where you are refined pure as gold. So, if you hold on to the hand of God and you let Him lead you through the storm, you will be stronger on the other side of it.
Another way that God brings good is by using you to help others. You’ll be able to share your testimony, “Hey, I made it through this! Let me tell you what God did for me and guess what? He will do it for you!” You can say, “Hey, I know how you feel.” For me, I can say I know what it feels like to lose a spouse. I could have never imagined what losing half of your heart would look like or what it would feel like. I know now the devastation, the heartbreak, the grief, and I know the pain. And I can tell someone, “I am so sorry you’re going through this, it’s terrible. I know that the Lord can put your heart back together again. That does not mean that it negates the love that you have for the person that you lost. You absolutely will always love them, but you can continue to fulfill your destiny on the earth. And that’s what He did for me.”
Q: What would you tell your younger self now based on all you’ve learned?
A: I would tell my younger self to enjoy every moment, to enjoy the journey, to get into the Word of God, to learn it and write it in my heart because it is what would carry me through. That He could lead and guide me into all truth and He knows the plan for my life. You know, I actually did that when I was twenty years old, I surrendered totally. I was a Christian but I said, “Lord, take my life. I want to be in Your perfect will.” I didn’t even realize how powerful those words were. But I would challenge every young person, dare to pray that prayer and believe that God has a great plan for your life. It is so much better that what you can imagine, when you submit your will to His, stay connected to Him, and allow Him to do what He wants to do in your life with gifts and talents that He’s given you.
Q: What encouragement would you give people who are in the middle of a storm right now?
A: Don’t faint! Don’t be weary in well doing! Stand up! Hold the hand of Jesus and allow Him to walk in front of you. He’s in the storm with you – you may feel like He’s asleep in the bottom of the boat, but He’s there and He’s going to see you through. There is no reason to fear. He’s going to get you through it. Every day you just begin to thank Him. Thank You, Lord, I am in the middle of the storm and I know I’m coming out of it. I know You are with me. Your strength is made perfect in my weakness.
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