Finding Hope in Prophetic Times | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Q: In The Dragon's Prophecy, you discuss the spiritual battles of the End Times. How can believers remain victorious over the enemy during these times?
A: One of the things The Dragon’s Prophecy reveals is that we’re all at war – especially in the End Times. If you’re in a war and you don’t know you’re in a war, you won’t win. If you’re in a war and you don’t know and don’t use the power you have, you won’t win. We each need to realize the battle we’re in – with regard to our nation, culture, and world – and in our walks and callings. The battle is not to keep from living victoriously. Just the opposite – the battle enables us to become victorious. You can’t be victorious without a fight. And if you fight the good fight that God has called you to – and you don’t give up – and you keep fighting – then you are guaranteed to win.
Q: You explore prophetic themes in your book. How can understanding biblical prophecy help Christians navigate the challenges of today and the future?
A: Of all the books I’ve written, The Dragon’s Prophecy opens up the realm of End Time prophecy. One of the things it reveals is that the realm of End Time prophecy is accelerating. In just this past year, we’ve crossed several red lines of biblical prophecy. The Lord told us to know and discern the “signs of the times.” Knowing these signs is crucial in living victoriously, fulfilling our calling, and making wise and godly decisions. It gives special clarity to the issues of our times. It gives us encouragement and peace knowing that things are not out of control, and that God is still very much on the throne.
Q: You explore several mysteries in The Dragon’s Prophecy that God revealed to you. Which mystery surprised you the most while writing this book? Tell us about it.
A: There are so many mysteries in The Dragon’s Prophecy that it’s hard to choose one or even a few. There is the mystery of the Sea Peoples, the colors of the Apocalypse that have now appeared, the two ancient entities that lie behind the wars in the Middle East, the secret of the Temple Mount that lay behind October 7 and September 11, the Devil’s Jubilee, and much more. But the mystery that led to the writing of the book was especially dramatic. It was a Friday night at Beth Israel, the congregation I lead in Wayne, New Jersey. I was led to share an ancient mystery from the Bible that foretold that there would be an invasion of Israel, that it would take place in the year 2023, that it would happen in the month of October, it would take place on a Saturday – the mystery ordained that Israel would be invaded by enemies on the first Saturday of October, 2023. The first Saturday of October, 2023 fell on October 7 – the very day that Hamas invaded Israel. I shared the mystery on that Friday night – the next morning, it came true! This is one of the mysteries in the book that may enable us to know what the future holds, specific and exact events that are going to take place and when.
Q: In what ways does the dragon symbolize the enemy’s work in the world today, and how can Christians recognize and resist it?
A: In Revelation 12, the enemy is represented by a red dragon at war against a woman with twelve stars – the woman is Israel, or the Jewish people. And if you want to see the reality of the Devil, just look at the history of the Jewish people – just look at the headlines. But the Dragon also wars against God’s other Israel, the spiritual Israel – namely, those who follow Messiah Jesus, believers. As the End Times progress, the Dragon’s war against Israel, physically, and against believers, spiritually, will only intensify. On top of that, the Dragon wars against everyone who is made in the image of God – and has been warring against them (against each of us) from the moment of their conception. The last part of the book opens up the Dragon’s war against each of us. How to know his strategies. And how to overcome him. The truth is – we are called to be dragon fighters!
Q: How can Christians balance being aware of the End Times with living victoriously and joyfully in the present?
A: The two actually go together. Living in the End Times is not something to make us fear. If God didn’t want us to live in the End Times, He would have caused us to be born in the Middle Ages. If we are in the End Times, then God has called us here. And if God has called us for this hour, then He has appointed us for this hour. And if God has appointed us, then He will anoint us. And if He has anointed us, He will empower us – to win. So there’s nothing to fear. In fact, there’s a lot to rejoice about. What’s the most exciting part of a movie? The last fifteen minutes. So God has called us to the last fifteen minutes, to have a starring role at the end of the story. That’s something to rejoice about – and rise to.
Q: What is the most important message of hope and encouragement you want readers to take from The Dragon's Prophecy as they enter the New Year?
A: The last section of The Dragon’s Prophecy is about the enemy’s war against each of us, how to know his strategies, and how to overcome. God has called us to fight – and to be victorious. In the vision of the dragon in Revelation 12, it is written that the people of God overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving not their lives to death. They overcame him. We are called and anointed to overcome. That means we have the power to overcome. And the Greek word used there for “overcome” is nikao. Nikao is an amazing word because here it refers to what is yet to come and yet it is written in the past tense. Why? Your overcoming, your victory in God, is as good as done. It’s finished. It’s won. All you have to do is live and fight until the victory that already is – is manifest.
Q: You recently released a prophetic word over President Trump at the NFAB Faith Summit. Tell us about this word and its implications for America moving forward.
A: In August, I felt strongly that I had to give a word for Donald Trump. Then in October, I was invited to the Faith Summit with faith leaders and Donald Trump. And I was asked to share a word. I was led to share a word to him – namely that God has indeed called him as a vessel for His purposes. I cited several “mysteries” concerning his life. He was called to be a trumpet for God – and he was called after the pattern of Jehu. Jehu was called to make his nation great again. But the only way he could do that was by turning his nation back to God. So with Trump. A trumpet can only fulfill its calling if it is filled with the breath of him who lifts it up. God lifted up Donald Trump. If He would be filled by God’s Spirit and go all the way for God, then God would do a great and mighty thing we know not of. So, believers in God…PRAY FOR THAT. PRAY FOR DONALD TRUMP! AND PRAY FOR REVIVAL!
Q: From a prophetic perspective, what is God showing you about 2025 and the days to come?
A: Interestingly, we’re going from the “Year of the Dragon” to the “Year of the Serpent”! I don’t know that it’s much of an improvement! But it will not be a boring year. It will be dramatic, with warfare, with light and darkness and the conflict thereof. I wrote of the mystery of Donald Trump in the book The Paradigm. The book has continued to come true after I wrote it. It tells us that we have a window, a moment, a chance. The only thing that will save America is revival. This is our chance. We have to go all out as never before in praying for revival, working for revival, and living in revival. Let us set the year ahead to do that. For if we do that – then revival will have begun!
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