Confronting Darkness with Kynan Bridges

3 min read
Nov 2, 2023 10:24:00 PM

Q: What is the Church’s role in standing up against the powers of darkness that are running
rampant in our world?
Jesus was very clear in Matthew 16 when He described the Church. He said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The Church is called to steward the culture and defend the earth against the proliferation of evil. We don’t do this with physical weapons, but we do it with the Word of God.

Q: How is the Occult spreading like wildfire right now, and what should the Church’s response Be?
One of the reasons the Occult is spreading is biblical illiteracy. There is a great ignorance of the Word of God in the land, and as a result there has been syncretism in the church (that is the mixture of witchcraft and spiritism with Biblical spirituality). We need to get back to the power of the Holy Spirit in our churches. This means altar calls and discipleship.

Q: The Bible says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Unpack that for us, and how is rebellion a big problem today?
In 1 Samuel 15:23, King Saul rebelled against the Word of God and opted for his own agenda. Rebellion is witchcraft because it seeks to manipulate the will of God to accommodate one’s own agenda. It is a form of idolatry that leads to deception. This is why Saul eventually consulted a witch.

Q: A phrase many hear thrown around by social media influencers, celebrities, and even
people they know is “manifest it.” Talk about what that is and its connection to witchcraft.
There is the biblical manifestation of the promises of God’s Word through His power, and then there is a person using New Age practices to manifest their own desires. One is rooted in the Holy Spirit, the other is rooted in the flesh and occultism.

Q: Why do Christians need to take this growing occultism seriously but NOT have fear of it?
The Bible commands us to confront and renounce the “hidden works of darkness.” We are not to fear evil, but we must call it out with boldness and authority. You cannot conquer what you refuse to confront. Many people are unwittingly being deceived by witchcraft spirits because Christians are afraid to offend people by telling them the truth. It is the truth that brings freedom.

Q: Why is it a problem when believers believe the devil is more powerful than the Holy Spirit?
This is an unbalanced theology that has seemed to spread amongst many unsuspecting Christians. We must be aware of our authority. The Bible says in Luke 10:19 that we have authority over all the power of the devil. We must know that we face a defeated foe and that he is under our feet!

Q: What is the most dangerous witchcraft you’ve ever witnessed?
The Bible says that the serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden. How? He slandered God. He gave her a narrative about God that wasn't true and she came into agreement with it and it brought a curse upon the human race. Gossip and Slander are not only dangerous, they are demonic. The word used in Genesis 3 for serpent is “divination.” The enemy brought Adam and Eve under a spell through what she heard and agreed with. The devil is doing the same today. Take heed to what you hear and receive.

Q: How do we confront witchcraft that has seeped into the Church?
We must return to the Holy Spirit empowered preaching and teaching, and we must demonstrate the authentic power of God. The authentic will expose the counterfeit. We also need to return to deliverance. Many Christians need to be delivered from witchcraft.

Q: How is this rise in occultism across the world a sign of the End Times?
Matthew 24 says that the signs of the times will include great deception. We are living in those days. Isaiah 60 says that darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people. The good news is that light shines brighter in the darkness. The more the darkness emerges, the more the power of God will be demonstrated.

Q: What challenge do you have for believers regarding walking empowered in the Holy Spirit and dealing with the growing darkness we see around us?
I believe that this is one of the greatest hours in the history of the Church. Why? The darkness has placed a demand on the need for the genuine manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The church that Jesus birthed was and is a supernatural Church and we must walk in miracles, signs, and wonders so that we can show the reality and superiority of the Kingdom of God. This is REVIVAL! 


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