Letters from Joni | November 2023

1 min read
Nov 1, 2023 12:26:00 PM

One thing I love about this time of year is the focus on what you’re truly grateful for. In America, the “Thanksgiving” holiday centers around thanking God for all the ways He’s blessed us this year.

I am thankful to have an amazing family who’ve worked alongside me to take the Gospel around the world. This month marks the two-year anniversary of the passing of my late husband, Marcus Lamb. I am truly grateful for the many years we shared. And after his passing, I wasn’t sure if I could ever love again. Yet, God proved faithful, healed my heart, and brought my wonderful husband, Dr. Doug Weiss, into my life.

Another thing I am so grateful for is touching lives in such a significant way. We recently had our fall Heart for the World, and the response was tremendous. Right now, people are finding hope and freedom through Jesus because of the generosity of partners like you. We are reaching so many people and are hearing from new viewers watching in India, Africa, Israel, Australia, and beyond. Literally every corner of the Earth!

The Lord also showed me how He has intentionally put people in my path to help, like my dear friend Michele Binion. Many of you have been praying for her as she walks through cancer treatment with Oasis of Hope. We are standing with her, believing for healing; and she is doing well. She is completing phase 3 of her treatment, and the Lord has used her to speak into others’ lives. One fellow patient even accepted Jesus as savior. Michele is getting stronger every day. So, continue to pray God’s Word over her! Here are some Scriptures she is standing on: Psalm 103, 1 Peter 2:24, Hebrews 13:8, and Psalm 91:16.

This month, take time to consider what you are thankful for and how God’s goodness has touched your life. Whatever you may be facing, remember to keep your eyes on Jesus. He is always faithful. We love you and are praying God continues to pour out His favor and blessings on your life.


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