Prophetic Word for 2025 and Beyond | Jeremiah Johnson
God has been speaking to me concerning several different subject matters that I will separate into sections below. They are not necessarily connected to one another; however, I do believe I am to release all of them at the same time now.
Increasing Angelic Activity
I received a prophetic dream in September of a large number of angels being assigned to many people, leaders, and even nations in 2025 and beyond. Psalm 34:7 says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.” The fear of the Lord is a major key in God delivering His people in the years ahead. I saw three specific types of angels being released.
- Angels of Divine Provision
- Angels of Divine Protection
- Angels of Warfare
We do not worship angels, nor should they be our central focus. May Christ Jesus be glorified! However, these ministering spirits (Heb 1:14) are going to make themselves known and we will become aware of their divine intervention like never before.
God has given me three specific passages of Scriptures concerning 2025 and beyond. Genesis 25, Numbers 25, and Matthew 25.
Genesis 25: The War and Conflict in Israel
I had a recent prophetic dream where I found myself in Israel and God said to me, “Jeremiah, although much attention is being placed on the conflict and war coming against Israel externally, you must realize that the greater conflict and war is coming against Israel internally. For there is a spirit of accusation and assassination within the Israeli government that will seek to sabotage the plans I have for her. The intercessors must pray not only for the enemies of Israel who surround her but the enemies who dwell within her.”
God gave me Genesis 25 where you have the recording of Abraham’s two sons Ishmael and Isaac which are in obvious conflict to this day and then the wrestle and conflict between Isaac’s two sons, Jacob and Esau for the birthright. I see in this passage of Scripture both the war externally between Israel and her external enemies but also the war internally between two sons from the same family/house.
In 2025 and beyond, we must focus our prayers not only for divine protection for Israel concerning her surrounding enemies, but also divine protection from within against assassination attempts and internal chaos, corruption, and crookedness.
Numbers 25: Judgment on Sexual Immorality and Holy Jealousy
Numbers 25 details the story of Israel as they camped at a place called Sheetim which was being occupied by the Moabites. They were an idolatrous, sinful people, who prided themselves in all manner of sexual sins that they committed continuously. While camped there, once again a large group of Israelites decided to deliberately rebel against God, first of all by ‘whoring with the women of Moab.’ (Numbers 25:1)
These strange women then enticed, by their wickedness and sexual perversion, many Israelite men to commit the sin of idolatry, of worshipping demonic false gods. According to Numbers, the anger of God began to break out against Israel and a plague of some kind afflicted them. God commanded Moses to instruct the chief of each tribe put to death each member of his tribe who committed the sin of idolatry.
Suddenly, an Israelite man brought into the camp a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses and the whole assembly of Israel while they were weeping at the entrance to the tent of meeting. When PHINEHAS son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a SPEAR in his hand and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear into both of them, right through the Israelite man and into the woman’s stomach. Then the plague against the Israelites was stopped.
As Phinehas rose up and did this, God spoke through Moses and said, "Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. Since he was as zealous for my honor among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal. Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him. He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made ATONEMENT for the Israelites.” (Numbers 25:10-13)
In a vision, I saw God handing out "spears of Phinehas" to specific individuals in the earth who had consecrated themselves and have taken a strong stand for righteousness and holiness in the midst of a church culture of compromise. "Phinehas" means a "jaw of brass". Holiness preachers are going to rise in 2025 like never before. The global Church will come into a revelation of the jealousy of God for His bride and learn what it means to fear Him again. The need for healthy accountability for church leaders and people across the globe is GREAT!
Matthew 25: Oil, Stewardship, and Judgment
In Matthew 25, there are three key parables that God is highlighting to me for 2025 and beyond. The first is the parable of the ten virgins. The need to have oil in our lamps (intimacy with God) has never been greater in this season. We must not become so focused on building ministries that we lose our prayer lives.
God is going to raise up burning and shining lamps in the spirit of John the Baptist who will confront many regarding their apathy and complacency with God. The gift of repentance will mark their lives and the urgency of the hour they carry will bring needed sobriety and a wakeup call to many.
The second parable in Matthew 25 deals with stewardship in the kingdom of God. It is going to be very important in 2025 and beyond that we are stewarding our time, money, and resources in a way that pleases God. We must remember that all poor stewardship is centered on our wrong views of God. I see many coming into a revelation of God as Father that they might learn how to walk in a manner worthy of their calling.
The third parable in Matthew 25 has to do with God bringing judgment and separating the goats from the sheep. Jesus identifies goats as those who failed to feed those who were hungry and thirsty, those who failed to care for those who were sick and in prison. His sheep are those who respond to the call of those who are in need and help provide and take care of them. God is going to expose those in 2025 and beyond who refuse to help the poor, needy, and destitute.
Leviathan Attacks in Birthing and Transition Seasons
God is calling many in 2025 and beyond to birth new ministries, churches, businesses and so much more. He is also calling many to transition geographically and even in a career path. As this takes place, I saw a Leviathan spirit begin to attack many ministries and people. God showed me that “conflict resolution” is going to be not only necessary but mandatory in many places in 2025 and beyond. It is not just a preventive measure against Leviathan but also an offensive weapon.
In 2025, we will see Leviathan the prideful covenant breaker be defeated as it meets love, humility, and forgiveness which are covenant makers.
Explaining the origins of Leviathan and how it works
Our first look at Satan is in Genesis 3 where we see him as a serpent. Where did he come from? In Luke 10:18, Jesus says, “I saw Satan fall like a bolt of lightening out of the sky”
Isaiah says in chapter 14:12-15,
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit."
Isaiah clearly reveals that it was pride that caused the devils fall.
In Job 41, there is a serpent like creature named Leviathan who in verse 32 it says, “he is king over all the sons of pride”.
In Isaiah 27:1 it says
“In that day the Lord with a great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.”
We can know and understand from these passages of Scripture that Satan is not only the king of pride but that he is also a crooked serpent named Leviathan and God will punish him as a dragon! It is in the garden of Eden that Satan as a serpent is beginning to twist and question God’s words to Adam and Eve. He is a crooked deceiver. Satan is a communication disrupter. He loves to twist conversations, challenge Godly authority, and accuse.
This at the beginning of creation and it is very important to note that Satan is a master at striking in new seasons, seasons of birthing.
Satan appears again at the beginning of Jesus’s ministry while He is in the wilderness. It’s a new season. He is again acting as communication disrupter. Satan loves to twist conversations, challenge Godly authority, and accuse.
Satan is not only the king of pride, he is not only a communication disrupter, he is not only an accuser, but ultimately he is an assassinator. In John 10:10 Jesus said, “The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy but I have come to give life and life abundantly”
A deliverer is birthed in Moses - what does Satan do? He releases a death decree through Pharaoh to kill all the firstborn Hebrew boys.
THE deliverer is birthed in Jesus - what does Satan do? He releases a death decree through Herod to kill all the firstborn Hebrew boys.
Do you see a pattern?
Many people in 2025 are entering a new season. Your NOW season! In fact, America is in a birthing season, a NOW season. It’s time to start the business. You just bought the building. The church, ministry, or marriage is just getting started. Others of us are more establish but our NEXT season is here. You are in transition but you are birthing again! It’s your NOW season!
However, the evil spirit of LEVIATHAN is working through people to try to twist your words, falsely accuse, question your motives, interpret your actions out of context, sabotage relationships, and stir up unnecessary conflict and high-level spiritual warfare. It is a communication disrupter! Pride is at the root of all false accusation because it causes people to believe they are better than others and therefore empowers their slander.
As Leviathan attempts to sow discord, betrayal, and confusion during new seasons, you can escape its grasp by remaining humble, gain and maintain clarity in the place of prayer, be quick to forgive, and refuse to partner with OFFENSE. Leviathan is powerfully attracted to the spirit of offense and loves to wrap itself like a snake around families, friendships, and churches to inject its demonic venom. Here are 15 keys to overcome Leviathan attack in 2025 and beyond:
- BREAKTHROUGH speaks louder than their BETRAYAL
- GODLINESS speaks louder than their GOSSIP
- WORSHIP speaks louder than their WHISPERS
- SURRENDER speaks louder than their STRIFE
- SELF-CONTROL speaks louder than their SABOTAGE
- The WORD speaks louder than their WITCHCRAFT
- FRUIT speaks louder than their FALSE narratives
- TRUTH speaks louder than their TWISTING of words
- SILENCE speaks louder than their SLANDER
- RIGHTEOUSNESS speaks louder than their RUMORS
- HUMILITY speaks louder than their HATRED
- LIBERTY speaks louder than their LIES
- JOY speaks louder than their JUNK
- REST speaks louder than RETALIATION
- JESUS speaks louder than all the JEALOUSY
May God give His Church great clarity, boldness, and humilty concerning these subject matters in 2025 and beyond.
With Love and Prayers,
Jeremiah Johnson
The Altar Global
Kannapolis, NC
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