Letters from Joni | October 2023

2 min read
Oct 2, 2023 5:00:00 PM

One of the things I love about this time of year is that fall represents a time of change and the hope of what lies ahead. Last month was the beginning of a new year on the Jewish calendar, and with it comes a time of reflection. It’s a great time to look at God’s blessings in our lives and to steward what He has sown into ours by giving to build His Kingdom.

A great opportunity to honor all that the Lord has done for you over this year is to join us for our fall Heart for the World. As you give to touch lives with the Gospel, God pours out even more of His blessings. As you help to bring hope, healing, encouragement, deliverance, and peace to others, the Lord pours that back into your life.

God has done some tremendous things at Daystar this year, and thanks to partners just like you, we are reaching more souls than ever before! We have launched on Raj Cable, reaching 250,000 new homes in India and we have renewed carriage on growing multi-channel TV platforms in Africa reaching almost 25 million homes Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.

I’ve also started the journey of writing a new book! So many of you were touched by my story of dealing with the grief of losing Marcus, how the Lord restored my hope for the future, and of course the blessing of wedding Dr. Doug Weiss. I’ve decided to bring that journey to the page for a more in-depth look. So please keep me in your prayers as I work diligently to share my story in my upcoming book, Through the Storm.

I also have a very special program coming up this month on Table Talk. Pastor Jimmy Evans is joining me to talk about The Bloodline Blessing, and you don’t want to miss a special opportunity to bring home his exclusive Daystar teaching on this important topic. Be sure to tune in October 2!

And thank you for always supporting and encouraging my family. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and help we wish a big happy birthday to a very special group of people – Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Israel Lamb, and Jonathan Weiss! I am believing for a new year of blessings and God’s favor on each of their lives. We love them all so much, and I know you do too.

Thank you for all you do for the Kingdom and for loving our family so much! We could not do what we do without your faithful support!

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