Letters from Joni | October 2024

2 min read
Oct 1, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Dear Daystar Family,

As we enter this sacred time of year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the significance of Yom Kippur and what it means for us as Christians. Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar—a day set apart for repentance, reflection, and reconciling with God. For Christians, this day is a powerful reminder of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the Law and made a way for us to be forgiven and reconciled with God once and for all.

While we may not observe Yom Kippur in the same way as our Jewish brothers and sisters, we can still honor this sacred day by taking time to humble ourselves before the Lord, seeking His forgiveness, and renewing our commitment to live according to His will. It’s a day to remember the incredible grace we’ve been given and to extend that same grace and forgiveness to others.

To help you enter into this special time of reflection and worship, I encourage you to tune in for Daystar’s special Yom Kippur Broadcast featuring Larry Huch, Troy Brewer, and Paul Wilbur. This will be a meaningful time of ministry, teaching, and worship on October 11th and 12th. Don’t miss this opportunity to join us as we seek the Lord together and celebrate His redemptive work in our lives.

Following Yom Kippur, we have another exciting event lined up—Heart for the World! October 13th to 20th we invite you to join us for a week of dynamic and powerful ministry. Heart for the World is a special time at Daystar where we invite you to partner with us in the mission to reach every soul on earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This week will be filled with incredible teachings and prophetic insights from some of the most anointed ministers of our time, including Perry Stone, Joseph Z, Jimmy Evans, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, and many more.

From updates and biblical perspectives on the events unfolding in Israel to End Time prophetic insights and practical, anointed teaching from God’s Word—this week has something for everyone. It is a time of great spiritual renewal and encouragement, and we believe God will move powerfully in your life as you join us.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. It is through faithful partners like you that we can continue to share the hope of the Gospel with people all around the world. May the Lord bless you abundantly during this sacred season!

With love and gratitude,
Joni Lamb


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